Saturday, September 26, 2015

A movie in search of its own purpose - **

Ironically, the casting for this movie went through some revisions before finalizing on Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway.  For something as bland as this story, the film requires very good actors to pull it off.

Bill Whittaker ,a 70 year old retiree looking for some purpose, grabbed the chance to work for an e-commerce company whose CEO, Jules Ostin unknowingly agreed to the idea of a senior internship program to promote a  'forward' thinking corporate image.  He got the job to be her assistant and eventually became her friend as well as earning  the admiration of his colleagues.

This film is a lite drama , lite comedy that does not take any particular shape.  Being lite, I guess means that it does not present much of a conflict to keep the drama at a certain level nor does it try to be too vivacious so as not to step into comedic territory.  And so the film really does not do anything special, thus making it sort of  boring.

The two good actors that I admire are the leads of this movie, but their talent can only do so much when their characters are limited by the story.  Robert's Bill is someone who seems to be going no where while Anne's Jules does not seem to come from anywhere.  It was just nice to see them both,  Anne is just perfect for this role and Robert's added wrinkles magnifies every facial expression.

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