This is the live action remake of the 1991 animated Disney movie of the same title, while the former was produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation the latest version was still distributed through Walt Disney Pictures and is produced by an American independent film company housed in Walt Disney Studios, Mandeville Films.
Based on the abridged fairy tale which was adapted from Gabrielle Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve's La Belle et La Bete this story is about discovering love in dark places like fear and bitterness. It follows the story of Belle and her desire to reach other worlds other than her small town of Villeneuve and the prince whose curse can only be undone by finding love and being loved in return.
The film took on the good points from the animated original and added more to it by adding some dimensions to its characters. It took the best tracks from Menken's original playlist and added new songs to further develop the characters giving them a more complete persona. The actors were well casted in this film taking on Emma Watson to play Belle and Luke Evans was just perfect as Gaston and it turned out this movie has a powerhouse cast having Emma Thompson, Ewan McGregor, Ian McKellen and Stanley Tucci playing the staff of the castle who were turned into objects as part of the curse to the prince. Visually enchanting, the big feature of this movie is the production design the costumes and the scenes were well styled and the animated effects add magic to its already solid scenography.
There is really nothing in this film that I didn't like. It was a good experience watching this film on 3D IMAX and it took quite a bit of strength not to sing along the familiar songs from the animated version. This is a good date movie and also one the whole family will truly love.
It was truly magical... though Luke Evans is too old for Emma and the prince was not that handsome as I expected... it's a 5 star for me.😊
ReplyDeleteSpot on review! Just one point that I don't agree with - Luke Evans. I prefer the muscular brute of the animated version. I also find him a bit too old for Belle. Hehe...